Haywards Heath Golf Club
Haywards Heath Golf Club offers a welcoming environment for our members, guests and visitors alike.
We have a dress code that is in keeping with the traditions and values of our club and is consistent with the general standards of dress applied at modern-day golf clubs. It cannot be fully prescriptive and so members are expected to take personal responsibility for observing standards that reflect well on the Club.
All visitors, including societies and those participating in competitions, are required to comply with these dress rules.
we prefer men's shirts should be tucked in at all times.
head gear should be worn as designed.
golf shoes with soft spikes or dimples are required.
football shirts, T shirts or tracksuits
sports, beach or cargo shorts
denim, cargo or tracksuit trousers
In the clubhouse golf attire or smart casual wear is required.
any form of headgear
sports, beach or cargo shorts
flip flops
T-shirts without collars
Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.
© 2025 Haywards Heath Golf Club, High Beech Lane, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SL
Phone: 01444 414457 Email: office@haywardsheathgolfclub.co.uk Web: www.haywardsheathgolfclub.co.uk
All course photography copyright to
Kevin Murray photography.
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